The Proposal

Patrick is a musician and had been dying to go see the Boston Symphony Orchestra.  We decided to get tickets for February 28, 2009.  I made dinner reservations at the Laurel Bar and Grille in Boston.  When the check came at dinner, I offered to pay since the date was my idea.  Patrick was being rather insistent that he pay, however.  Finally he agreed to let me pay and said that he could pay me back in a different way.  At that point he got up, came around to my side of the table, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!  I, of course, said yes after covering him with hugs and kisses.  It was just very sweet.

I later learned that Patrick had asked my parents back in December and he called my mother that morning when he picked up the ring.  She was very excited, but didn't let on at all!  I know that it meant a lot that he took the time to come and talk to them.

As a side note, Patrick said that he was going to wait until after the concert and take me to a nearby park to propose.  I told him that it was probably a good thing that he didn't because I would have protested an awful lot!  I would have been curious why we were going to a park, in the dark and that I was cold and tired and wanted to go home.  So, luckily things worked out for the best!  Besides, I got to spend the entire concert staring at him and my brand new ring!